Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Skype Nixing Skypecasts

Today, this sad news from Skype that their Skypecast service is being ended.

Anyone have other alternatives that you can recommend?

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who has been shutdown by Skype should feel comfortable coming over to Paltalk.

    Paltalk has 4 million unique users and scores of categories from which to choose to broadcast one's content.

    Best of all, it's a free download, though there is a minimal annual fee to be able to see streaming video.

    As way of disclosure, I am Paltalk's director of news and programming and I host a daily program on Paltalk called News Talk Online, at 5 PM New York time, in Paltalk Studio A in the Radio/TV Section. I'm hoping to see you on line and I and our entire online team stand ready to help you acclimate yourself to Paltalk's great features.
