I have something of a history of voting for neither major presidential candidate. As I recall, I did not vote for Bob Dole or Bill Clinton in 1996 (and 2012 feels a lot like 1996, only worse). In 2008, I voted for Chuck Baldwin rather than Barack Obama or John McCain. I also have a habit of picking (very conservative) losers in the presidential primaries.
This trend of protest voting seems to be gaining momentum. More and more people are buying the logic that it's better to vote for no one than to vote for the lesser of two evils. Doug Phillips promotes this philosophy with great intelligence and passion. Here's an example from
his ministry's Facebook page:
1. The Scriptures are still the only rule of action for Christians.
2. The duty of believers at the ballot box is the same today as it has
always been. We may only select leaders who meet the Scriptural
requirements for civil magistrate. Leaders need not be perfect, but they must be qualified.
3. The obedient response of the elect of God to the Lord Jesus Christ
and His law-word, not partisan politics or the results of presidential
elections, is the key to national blessing.
4. The results of the presidential election, regardless of who wins, will work together for the good of the elect of God.
5. God is still on the throne.
Bonus Observation: The great and beautiful hope of tomorrow is the
obedience of the Church in the face of opposition and challenging
political scenarios. There is more hope for God's blessing on America if
the people of God do what is right before the Lord, then if if they
check their consciences at the ballot box to gain a perceived short-term
victory. Perhaps God will save the city "if there be but ten..."
Here's an even more explicit warning blast from Phillips about Romney:
Report on the {First}Presidential Debate from Doug
Phillips: It was a tragic day for America as our nation sat and watched
two committed socialists, representing the Democratic and Republican
parties respectively, argue between each other over which was the most
committed to government interference in the private sector, wealth
redistribution, and statist intervention in the economy. Tonight we
learned that both candidates believe that
social security is a success, that the government is responsible for
education, and that the market will only work with heavy government
regulation. Historically, presidential debates are shallow in terms of
constitutional analysis of issues, but tonight's debate may have set the
standard as the most constitutionally illiterate presentation by
opposing primary party candidates for president in a national debate in
the history of our nation. Tonight, (in case anyone needed reminding)
Mitt Romney proved that he could be every bit the neo-Marxist that
president Obama has become. What he may have lost in the first part of
the debate through his petulant nit-picking, Governor Romney made up in
the second part of the debate by unnerving President Obama, who clearly
appeared to lose his edge as the evening closed. But the event was more
of a clash of personalities then a debate over policy. Both peas were
from the same pod, and the difference between the candidates on the
issues raised tonight were little more than micro-degrees, with times
that honest observers must admit that Obama appeared every so slightly
to the right of Romney, and other times, vice versa. In sum: No Bible
believing, Constitution-loving American should be proud of what happened
tonight. Prediction: Liberals will like Romney much more after
tonight's debate. But so will a large body of Christians to whom what
Romney has said, done and advocated is irrelevant. The Evangelical
political lobotomy is almost complete. His name is not Obama, and any
facts pertaining to his radical socialism, statist agenda,
pro-abortionism and pro-homosexual advocacy that get in the way of that
truth must be ignored or stamped out.
I agree with much Phillips says. Because of Republican loyalty to party
rather than principle, conservativism fared better under Bill Clinton
than under George W. Bush. The GOP may again become the "Dem lite"
party if they regain the White House. More importantly, no matter which man is elected, we will still have a man who embodies the average American man. A
man who claims to be a Christian, but isn't; a man to whom the Bible is errant and fallible; a nice fellow who
ultimately cares more about what is expedient than what is right in
God's eyes; a man who does not argue "if" but "how much". The only hope for positive political change in the US is for professing Christians to repent and get right with God.
But Phillips is not the only one thinking deeply about these topics.
Here is a Roman Catholic apologist, John Martignoni, explaining why he thinks voting for Romney is not wrong:
President Obama agrees 100% with the Democrat Platform when it comes to the
“right” of a woman to abort her child. He has on a few occasions spoken to
Planned Parenthood conventions and made it very clear that there isn’t an
abortion that he wouldn’t support. He even pledged to Planned Parenthood that
he would make passage of the “Freedom of Choice” Act – which essentially removes
any and all state restrictions on abortion (parental consent laws, 48–hour
waiting periods, laws requiring women see a sonogram of their baby before the
abortion, and so on) – as one of the highest priorities of his administration.
Thankfully that hasn’t happened…yet.
His administration has gone so far as to sue at least one state to force them
to reinstate funding for Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion provider in
the country. Also, he is 100% in favor of the Health and Human Services
regulations, which are a part of Obamacare, that would require all Catholic
hospitals, Catholic businesses, and most Catholic organizations to pay for
abortion, contraception, and sterilization in the health care plans they provide
to their employees – trampling all over the religious freedom rights of
While a state senator in Illinois, Barack Obama was the lone vote against a
bill that would require doctors to give proper medical care to infants that were
born alive after a failed abortion. It was, essentially, a vote to allow
infanticide when a baby survived an abortion.
Now, Mitt Romney does not have a stellar record on abortion. It seems he has
gone back and forth a bit. He has however, made a pledge during this campaign
with the following provisions:
1) I am pro–life and believe that abortion should
be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the
2) I support the reversal of Roe v. Wade, because it is
bad law and bad medicine. Roe was a misguided ruling that was a result of a
small group of activist federal judges legislating from the bench.
3) I
support the Hyde Amendment, which broadly bars the use of federal funds for
abortions. And as president, I will support efforts to prohibit federal funding
for any organization like Planned Parenthood, which primarily performs abortions
or offers abortion–related services.
4) I will reinstate the Mexico City
Policy to ensure that non–governmental organizations that receive funding from
America refrain from performing or promoting abortion services, as a method of
family planning, in other countries. This includes ending American funding for
any United Nations or other foreign assistance program that promotes or performs
abortions on women around the world.
5) I will advocate for and support a
Pain–Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect unborn children who are
capable of feeling pain from abortion.
6) And perhaps most importantly, I
will only appoint judges who adhere to the Constitution and the laws as they are
written, not as they want them to be written.
7) If I have the
opportunity to serve as our nation's next president, I commit to doing
everything in my power to cultivate, promote, and support a culture of life in
Now, the first point above is not really a “pro–life” position. But, if we
can limit the number of abortions to only those associated with rape or incest,
we will have eliminated around 99% of the abortions in this country. We can
then start working on legislation and education campaigns to eliminate the
remaining 1%. So, while this position is not a pro–life position, it is much
less of a pro–abortion position than President Obama’s. It is the lesser of two
The other six provisions, however, are indeed pro–life provisions. So, you
have one candidate who is a pro–abortion extremist, and one who is pro–abortion,
but much less so, in certain respects, but pro–life in other respects. You
clearly have a situation where, on the issue of abortion, one candidate is the
lesser of two evils. And, we are allowed, when there is no other viable
alternative, to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Now, the prudential question becomes, can I trust Mitt Romney’s pledge to do
these things? After all, he is a politician and he has seemed to flip flop
before on this issue. I don’t know if you can trust him or not. However, I
know that with President Obama, we are absolutely assured that a pro–abortion
mentality will dominate his administration – that has already been demonstrated
over the last 3 and a half years. With a Mitt Romney administration, there is
at least a chance, that some babies lives – either in this country and/or in
other countries – will be saved by his policies. I’m not a big fan of Mitt
Romney (he was my 5th favorite out of the 6 main candidates on the Republican
side), but I personally have to vote for the potential of pro–life policies
being implemented vs. the absolute no hope of pro–life policies being
Also, this is where I factor in such things as Romney’s running mate – Paul
Ryan – having been a pro–life Catholic for many years. This is where I factor in
the Republican vs. Democrat Platforms. The Republican Platform does not have a
plank advocating abortion “rights,” while the Democrat Platform does. So, even
if Mitt Romney is not very pro–life in his heart of hearts, he is a politician.
And, he knows that the pro–lifers are very important to his election and, if he
is elected, to his re–election. If he is elected, and he reneges on the
above–mentioned pledges – he is up the creek without a paddle and I believe he
knows that. Which, will give him incentive to work on fulfilling the pledges he
has made.
I find Martignoni's reasoning ultimately more compelling than Phillips this year. As someone else has said, "Whenever humans are running for office, you are voting for the lesser of two evils." I will vote for Romney. I will not rejoice no matter which man wins. But I will pray that God will help me to see and repent of my own sins. And I will pray for the return of the King.