Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Vote Recommendations for the AZ GOP Primaries

Picking candidates was harder for me this year than any previous primary I've voted in.

Fortunately (?), there is a choice on only three of the 17 offices on my ballot.  The other 14 offices have candidates who are running unopposed (at least for the primary).

For US Senate, replacing retiring Jon Kyl, I've selected Clair Van Steenwyk.  Jeff Flake is most likely to be the winner (and I will gladly vote for him against Richard Carmona in November), but quite honestly, Wil Cardon and Jeff Flake threw so much mud at each other that I don't trust either one of them.  Clair's web site is hokey, but I did like his performance in the PBS debate, and I think he represents my beliefs more precisely than Flake or Cardon.

For CD1, I've selected Gaither Martin over Jonathan Paton.  Paton and Martin have done their share of mudslinging too, but I think Paton would be an easier candidate for Ann Kirkpatrick to beat in November.  So I'm hoping Gaither Martin pulls through and turns out to be decent.

And for Yavapai County Supervisor, I've selected the incumbent Thomas Thurman.  I don't think John McReynolds has enough experience, and finding out that Martin Pangburn is a "bishop" under the umbrella of what appears to be a oneness pentecostal group was enough to turn me off on him.

Feel free to share your own perspective.  Voting is a great privilege, which we should use responsibly.

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